The historical, anthropological, art, architectural and literary curiosities of Debrecen are being collected by the visitors of the community portal. If you can’t add anything, it’s enough to press like.
Mayor Kosa Lajos announced the collection of 650 Debrecen curiosities at the Debrecen City Ball held on 15th of January. At that time, he did not speak about launching the project on Facebook as well. But now the initiative has its own profile. If you type Debrecen 650, you can start listing the rarities of the city. This year, the city commemorates having received a market town rank from Louis I on 14 June, 1361. This happened 650 years ago, that is why they are trying to collect 650 things that are connected to the city. One such curiosity, for example, is that the poet Endre Ady also played in the football team of the city. Debrecen might also commemorate Louis I on the occasion of the jubilee. The programs organized on the day of the city and the summer programs will also be in connection with Debrecen’s ranking as a market town. This year, the citizens of Debrecen will also celebrate that the first tram set off 100 years ago and the Alfold Press that has been operating for 450 years will receive some attention, too. If you have an idea, don’t hesitate to write it!